Monday, May 18, 2015

#NuViza #DTX Testimonial

NuViza DTX Testimonial
24-hour DTX Result: 5 lbs of toxins lost!
A few days ago, I had an amazing conversation with a friend about how to detox your body. We realized that most people don't understand the importance of doing a total body detox! Those who do realize the importance behind a detox cleanse are often exposed to the typical 5 day detox or 7 day detox. Other cleanses that I've personally been exposed to include detox teas, detox drinks, or lemon detox diets. Personally, I was never too keen on the idea of taking a detox that was so difficult to complete and I always felt that way about detoxing until I was introduced to the NuViza DTX. After hearing about so many different types of detox cleanses, I've come to the conclusion that the NuViza DTX is the best full body detox AND liver detox on the market. No other cleanse has come close to the 24-hour result that I was able to experience using the all natural and organic component cleanse offered this company. I was able to remove 4 lbs of toxins from my body with the overnight process and after using the cleanse, I no longer woke up as tired or fatigued. One huge benefit that I noticed is that I no longer have the same cravings that I used to get for junk food! I would definitely recommend the NuViza DTX to anyone who appreciates their health as much as I do.